Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Excessive force?

I remember a while back the media coverage on a football riot that took place outside a stadium. The footage showed police beating back rioters with their truncheons in an effort to take control of the riot.

From what I could see of the footage, the police were using absolute textbook self-defence procedures to protect them selves and the innocent civilians around them. Furthermore we (the society) actually grant the police the power to do what they decide to be necessary to keep us safe while protecting them selves too. This is because we acknowledge that their job is difficult and dangerous, and that they have gone through the long training regime to be able to make those decisions.

However, a few civil rights activists grouped together to show that these policemen and women were abusing their power by utilising excessive force. I wonder what makes them think that it was the police that were using excessive force? After all the police were having petrol bombs hurled at them by the mob. In my opinion the rioters were using excessive force to show their annoyance to such a thing as trivial as who won at a game of football.

Every time the police do something that people see as excessive, even though they themselves have the right and qualification to say what is and is not excessive; the police come under fire by the government and an inquiry is made costing us thousands of pounds to suspend some of the officers.

I think that an inquiry into this was ridiculous. I think we should just let the police do their job and show them some respect for it. Instead of questioning what they do to protect our community and ultimately our country.



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