Sunday, April 10, 2005

Eat This!

A little story to tell.

I was just walking home one day, not a particularly interesting day.
But for some reason i was feeling even more paranoid than usual, i was just strolling along near to my house when i felt as though someone was creeping up on me. In fact i thought i heard footsteps. i did hear footsteps! there was some sly bastard creeping up behind me! He wants to stab me; in the back! why the back? I would hate to be paralysed! Especially by someone i can't see, and probably don't know. Then it hit me. Oh shit! I live in ********! (place name deleted for privacy reasons.) It's probably some drug crazed loon, suffering from anphetamine psychosis no doubt; ready to stab me in the spinal column, just below the neck to sever the nerves; leaving me helpless to move anything but my head and eyes when he robs me of my phone, wallet and shoes; (people here are so jacked up that they sell their shoes for the next fix, or burn them to see if they can get high off the fumes) And proceeds to arse-rape me for bit of a kick. Fuck, i need to put an end to this! I must escape without paralysation!

I heard them getting closer, closer still.
And before i knew it i had spun around and hit the bastard right in the damn face! 'Eat that asshole' i calmly thought to myself. No-one paralyses me without permission! or anything else for that matter.

The next thing i know i'm wondering why the bloke was so short. Damn, a midget! trying to paralyse me?! what did he expect? That right-hander must have done alot of damage, The bloke was holding his nose with both hands, fallen on his arse pretty hard too. why was he Crying like a small child would though?

Then: Oh fuck, it was in fact: a small child, probably only about eight or nine years old.I looked over the bush, And yes; that was the poor little bastard's mum in the back ground; pushing a pram. Looking frantically about trying to find out where the boy was and why he was crying and gasping for air at the same time.

My self instinct took over, I ran like fuck! Like a cowardly bastard who was unsure at how much damage was caused to a small boy. I could have hospitalised him,killed him with a punch like that even!

So, i just wanted to get the guilt off my chest. Say sorry for causing collateral damage to a primary school childs face. I was a coward. I should have helped him to recover. explain myself to his parents; and probably go to prison.

Sorry small child.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so me & Rezzy don't have to be present for you to cause pain & suffering. lol


4:12 am  

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